
Is makeup expert for my skin?

I ask heed the “Is makeup proficient for my skin? enquiry a lot. I equally good hear, “Makeup is protecting my skin, right?” And to those questions I tell “no” as well as “no.” To clarify, the makeup Im talking most is foundation or anything roofing your peel equally a whole. Eye makeup, lip productsno problem. Its the confront makeup/coverup Im to a greater extent than concerned most when it comes to the good for yous surgical procedure of your skin.

Answering the instant enquiry first, yes, makeup does add closed to other layer betwixt your peel as well as the environment, as well as many coverups convey SPF inwards them, then on closed to marker they are “protecting” your skin. I don’t similar using that give-and-take protection because it connotes something that I don’t believe is genuinely happening. But yes, makeup does add together closed to other layer betwixt yous as well as the environment.

What makeup is equally good doing is sitting on your skinall day; it’s non meant to penetrate real far or genuinely at all. Makeup’s purpose is to compass color to the surface of your peel as well as then it merely sits there, seeping into your pores as well as merely hanging out. This prolonged visitation tin compass the sack displace enlargement of the pores (something yous desire to avoid at all costs) as well as for closed to women, it tin compass the sack displace breakouts.

If yous convey occupation skin, yous no uncertainty usage makeup to comprehend upward the problems. And possibly yous don’t convey peel issues but merely experience ameliorate most how yous hold off wearing foundation. I am non maxim dont wearable makeup, but I practise desire yous to empathise that is tin compass the sack genuinely displace problems spell roofing your skin. 

I’ve listed closed to helpful articles below that yous tin compass the sack read to farther explicate the notion that makeup is genuinely proficient for your skin. It merely isn’tor at to the lowest degree it isn’t proficient inwards full general but if it makes yous experience ameliorate most your skin, well, in that location is something to hold upward said for that.

Tag : makeup
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