
How to rest MOTIVATED together with KEEP GOING

I am writing this ship service non entirely because I am oftentimes asked yesteryear many girls unopen to the globe how to remain motivated as well as determined, as well as NOT GIVE UP throughout my fitness journey, but also because this is genuinely something that I am all the same struggling amongst as well as working on everyday. Maybe I am non motivated as well as determined every minute 24/7, but I know I volition non surrender as well as I volition drib dead along pushing myself through it - hence hither I would similar to portion a few tips amongst yous well-nigh what drib dead along me going! They powerfulness non go for everyone but they go for me hence far (:

1. Set a Goal Body for yourself
Needless to say, the perfect Goal Body is Kayla Itsines's sure enough -She is a constant inspiration as well as motivation to me! I hope this does non audio as good creepy, but I honour that yesteryear setting my Goal Body photograph (aka Kayla's Itsines's awesome abs photo) as my iPhone Background helps to motivate myself a lot peculiarly when I am feeling as good tired/ lazy to drib dead to the gym/ during a workout. This is my destination as well as what I desire to arrive at 1 solar daytime - as well as no affair how tired, sleepy, or demotivated I feel, it is simply nearly impossible non to teach motivated as well as determined right away when I encounter this photo. I direct keep worked hence difficult for this for the yesteryear few months already - no agency to surrender now!!

2. Make it a Habit
If yous direct keep read my before ship service well-nigh my daily workout schedule ( ), yous would know that I wake upwardly at 5ish everyday to ready my breakfast, drib dead to the gym as well as workout before heading to the component for go every unmarried weekday. Basically this is how I await every morning:

So yes, I was never feeling motivated/ pumped upwardly inward the morn at 5am - I mean, who could be?! But I direct keep already made it a component of my daily habit as well as routine - it's similar brushing your teeth/ showering - fifty-fifty when yous don't experience similar it, yous volition all the same produce it because yous know yous direct keep to (with rattling skillful reasons of course) as well as your solar daytime is non consummate without doing it.

3. Keep Track of your Progress 
It is extremely of import to drib dead along rails of your ain progress throughout your fitness journeying hence that yous tin encounter how far yous direct keep come upwardly to. Depending what your goals are, yous tin rails your progress yesteryear weighing yourself/ calculating your trunk fatty - but for me, I honour that taking progress photos go the best for me. I accept them every unmarried calendar week - as well as most of the fourth dimension when I simply compare the photos to the previous week's ones, I often cannot encounter much progress but when I compare them amongst the ones that I took 4/6/8 weeks ago, I am often amazed yesteryear how much progress that I made without realising it. When yous encounter such obvious transformation, yous volition know that all the sweat, difficult work, as well as persistence are worth it! And the feeling of achieving something is simply indescribable.

4. Think dorsum why yous outset started
Whenever yous experience similar yous desire to give up, think dorsum why yous outset started. Why did yous get down your fitness journey? Why did yous determine yous wanted to get down investing fourth dimension as well as endeavor into this? Today I got some questions well-nigh whether I ever experience defeated as well as that I desire to quit this lifestyle. Is this what life is all well-nigh when sometimes yous experience similar it is consuming your whole life? I dear this enquiry because it is something that I constantly think well-nigh myself. Yes, many of us "fitness as well as wellness girls" pass huge amount of fourth dimension as well as endeavor on this inward our daily lives as well as yes, fitness as well as wellness has drib dead the centre of my life now. But I e'er think dorsum the argue I made the determination a few months agone to get down doing this as well as I compare my life correct at nowadays to my life before my fitness journey. I encounter a huge positive alter - my life at nowadays is filled amongst goals, motivation, determination, inspiration as well as purposes, as well as I am constantly driven to arrive at dissimilar goals that I laid for myself. I am proud of my progress, confident well-nigh my trunk as well as to a greater extent than importantly, I at nowadays direct keep a passion as well as pregnant inward life. THIS is what I wanted three months ago, as well as also why I started my fitness journey. By constantly reminding myself this, fifty-fifty when I experience defeated, I know that I desire to drib dead along going as well as drib dead along striving to arrive at my fitness goals.

5. Think dorsum how far yous direct keep already come upwardly to
Whenever yous experience similar giving up, think dorsum well-nigh each 1 of the Kayla's workouts yous direct keep done - nosotros all BBG girls know that every unmarried of her workout is a killer LOL. The fact that nosotros direct keep pushed ourselves through all those workouts - if nosotros surrender now, all of our difficult go as well as fourth dimension nosotros invested before would drib dead to waste. Well, I don't know well-nigh yous but I am non okay amongst that. I direct keep already seen progresses on my body, as well as a fleck of the abs genuinely showing - I produce non desire to imagine my trunk going dorsum to the agency it was before I started! hence NO, I AM NOT GOING BACK THERE.

6. Think ahead as well as laid Short-Term Goals
For me, I honour this rattling helpful to drib dead along myself going as well as pushing through the workouts. An illustration of this is I am going to Vietnam inward less than two months amongst my fellow as well as it volition go a Sun as well as beach vacation - pregnant I volition go wearing bikinis! So yes, whenever I experience similar I simply cant produce it anymore during the workouts, I tell myself, "DO YOU WANT YOUR BIKINI BODY OR NOT BY JANUARY IN VIETNAM". Yes I do, hence I force through the workouts! :D

7. Think ahead as well as laid Long-Term Goals
Apart from short-term goals, long term goals are every bit important. Think well-nigh where inward life yous desire to go at/ how yous desire to await similar inward 10/20/30/40 years. For me, I desire to go super tally fifty-fifty when I teach older (and 1 solar daytime a tally mum hahahaa) as well as I produce non ever desire to settle for an unfit trunk because of my age. Apart from appearance, I desire to go good for yous - as well as it volition teach fifty-fifty to a greater extent than of import as I grow older. I know that 1 solar daytime I volition go glad that I get down this good for yous lifestyle hence early inward life.

8. Find a Place that is Motivating for yous to go out at
This powerfulness non go application for all of yous because I know many girls go out at home, but for me, I dear the gym because it is where I honour motivation, determination, drive, dedication as well as difficult go whenever I await unopen to me at my gym. Whenever I drib dead far at my gym early inward the morn as my park zombie self, feeling similar I simply desire to prevarication downward as well as nap, I would encounter many other people already working out hence difficult towards their ain goals as well as their determination as well as dedication right away fuel me amongst motivation. Another thing is that, I also honour it rattling motivating to workout inward forepart of a huge mirror hence yous tin encounter your muscles i.e. your arms/ abs/ legs flexing when yous go out.

9. Invest inward Workout Clothes as well as Gears
When I outset started my fitness journey, I yell upwardly I bought a bunch of gorgeous cropped sports bras as well as I hope myself, I volition go difficult as well as 1 solar daytime when I direct keep abs (hopefully yesteryear Week 12) I tin as well as hence await skillful plenty to genuinely article of apparel them at the gym! So whenever I experience as good lazy to produce my abs workout, I opened upwardly my wardrobe as well as await at the sports bras that I already spent coin on - I produce non desire the coin to drib dead to waste materials produce I?

10. Reward myself amongst Cheat Meals as well as Rest Days
Finally, this powerfulness non go necessary for everyone, but it plant for me. I would e'er vantage myself amongst a Cheat Meal on Fri Night as well as Rest Day on Sat - hence during the week, I would force myself difficult inward companionship to "deserve" the vantage when weekend comes! I hope this does non audio as good stupid haha

Hope yous honour this ship service helpful to your ain fitness journeying as well! Stay tuned to to a greater extent than fitness as well as wellness tips yesteryear subscribing to my blog!

Emi xx

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