
Axioms for Life

Here I larn i time again writing almost subjects other than pure peel care. But delight understand, all of these unrelated subjects are related to health, as well as therefore, ultimately, the status of your skin. I brand no apologies for including what I consider to hold upwards useful data for you lot to select into your life that volition hopefully aid select almost alter (if its needed), or at the rattling to the lowest degree give you lot a fighting of peace inward your 24-hour interval (if its needed).

I created the following axioms years agone to aid me larn through difficult times or only a bad day. If you lot havent already, I encourage you lot to prepare your ain words as well as phrases amongst ideas that hateful something particular to you. You tin give the sack mention to them whenever as well as wherever you lot are having problem inward your life, or when you lot are having an off day. If you lot exercise axioms, they tin give the sack aid give you lot a elevator anytime. Use some or all of my axioms, respect sayings from books or movies, fifty-fifty exercise words taken from conversations you lot receive got amongst friends—or fifty-fifty strangers.

For much of my life I receive got been inward the habit of writing downwards things that pop into my caput or words of wisdom I hear; wherever as well as whenever something clicks within of me, I jot it down. I write these things downwards because I know I volition non remember—verbatim—the wise as well as heartfelt remarks that come upwards out during conversations or inspiring words that I read somewhere. So, write downwards the creative as well as motivating words that cross your path, as well as mention to them often. 

Here are the axioms I rely on the most. They are presented hither inward the same way I originally wrote them (back inward the 90s) and then put up on my refrigerator to run into every day:
  • Put it inward God’s hands
  • Look at the Big Picture
  • Be strong
  • Don’t deed on your weakness
  • Be form to yourself
RELAX. Simply breathe, larn far touching amongst your body, as well as relax. Find things throughout the 24-hour interval that tin give the sack aid your torso as well as withdraw heed relax. For me, sitting inward a bubble bath is rattling relaxing. I tin give the sack permit the thoughts menstruum out of my caput as well as into the hot, steamy water, giving my withdraw heed a ease for a picayune while. You may respect reading a mass brings you lot relaxation. I recommend uplifting, inspirational books, where you lot may respect some pearls of wisdom that aid you lot larn by amongst the stress.

Walking exterior inward the common may aid you lot to relax. Being inward nature, for many people, automatically relieves stress as well as helps them to think through their problems inward a relaxed manner. When my manly mortal raise died unexpectedly inward 2008, precisely subsequently I moved to Boulder, I would larn walking inward the foothillsmany times going off trailand sit down on a boulder as well as precisely look at the beauty around me. It was very healing for me; this atmosphere gave me a place to unload a lot of the mixed upwards feelings I was experiencing. (See Moving Through Loss for what is hopefully a helpful article on grieving.)

Do whatever you lot postulate to do to relax your withdraw heed as well as body, so seek out these activities throughout the 24-hour interval (every 24-hour interval if possible). Usually when you’re relaxed, inspiration finds a way in.

Put it inward God’s hands. I realize sometimes people get hung up on the give-and-take “God. It has so many connotations as well as meanings to dissimilar people as well as religions. I dont actually think of “God every bit what I am giving my issue(s) to; I think of giving it over to love instead. Whatever your spiritual beliefs, even if you lot dont receive got any, mentally allow that source, energy, person, place, or thing to select the work as well as select it off your shoulders for now. (You mightiness fifty-fifty think of it as simply the stronger part of yourself vs. something exterior of you.)

Once you lot sincerely release the conflict from your body, you lot volition receive got improve loose energy within to tackle the route ahead. Releasing things inward this way helps me to clear my withdraw heed as well as my heart, giving me room to run into things from a dissimilar (hopefully to a greater extent than objective) perspective. For a elementary but (for me and others) effective mantra, read Prayer I. Warning: the give-and-take “God is used inward this every bit well. Substitute every bit needed!

Look at the Big Picture. Can you lot select your awareness out of this instant as well as expression at your life maybe 5 years from now? In the big painting of your entire life, how does the electrical flow work rate—really? Most probable it looks smaller as well as less ominous if you tin give the sack select yourself out of the now.
A novel perspective tin give the sack alter how you lot sentiment this or any problem. Of course, perspective is relative, but endeavour this do to literally ascension inward a higher house your current number at hand:
  • Close your eyes
  • Picture yourself lifting upwards off the ground, rising inward a higher house yourself as well as looking downwards at you
  • Then proceed rising, upwards inward a higher house your line solid (or wherever you lot are), as well as seeing the urban core or rural environs every bit you lot elevator off farther as well as farther away from where you lot are sitting
  • Keep rising inward a higher house until you lot tin give the sack run into the public from way above
If you lot endeavour to locate yourself inward your line solid or office, you lot are so minor as well as inconsequential, you lot are difficult to find. And inward the big painting of your life, mayhap the stress you lot are going through is non every bit of import every bit you lot are making it. I am for sure non trying to demean nor diminish the importance of events that may hold upwards occurring inward your life that are of neat or fifty-fifty severe consequence. But for the day-to-day stresses that nosotros tend to brand into to a greater extent than than they are, endeavour rising inward a higher house to decrease the acquit on the stresser has on you.

Want a picayune perspective? Read a mass on physics. When you lot run into things through the eyes of an entire universe, it tin give the sack lighten the charge you lot may hold upwards carrying inward this minute, on this planet, at this item fourth dimension inward the history of the world. If that doesnt work for you, an anatomy mass usually helps me position things inward perspective. How tin give the sack all these systems inward our bodies purpose so perfectly? Its magic!

Be strong. Know that you lot really tin give the sack handgrip anythingyou precisely may non desire to receive got to. The adage that “we are non given to a greater extent than than nosotros tin give the sack handle” has in all likelihood been proven to you lot at some fourth dimension inward your life. Go to that house within yourself, that rigid place, as well as expression at your work caput on as well as know you lot tin give the sack conquer anything.

Don’t deed on your weakness. For me this agency don’t recede into negative behaviors, whether it is drinking, eating bad foods, non exercising, or cutting off the public when a work seems insurmountable. If I don’t deed from this weakened place, inward the long run I volition hold upwards much improve off. Acting on weakness as well as displaying what I consider to hold upwards negative behaviors alone makes things worse. The work volition correct itself, someday, somehow, but if I am non a clear as well as salubrious vessel, having to laid my torso is only some other challenge I volition receive got to confront as well as conquer. Why multiply the problem? Don’t allow those weak parts of you lot to win.

Be form to yourself. This is so important. Being form to myself agency letting larn of the rules sometimes. It agency non blaming or berating myself for the seat I respect myself in. It agency beingness my ain best friend. When you lot larn to a friend for comfort, do they rake you lot over the coals for getting yourself into a pickle? No, a best friend volition dearest as well as back upwards you lot through thick as well as thin, without judgment, precisely understanding. I’m non suggesting enabling inappropriate behavior, but when someone is inward the midst of a crisis, it is non the appropriate fourth dimension to offering a critical analysis of the hows as well as whys; it’s a fourth dimension to lend a paw as well as offering a shoulder to proper substantive on. Be this friend for yourself. Be form to yourself, it volition aid proceed you lot on track.

NUTRITION. Many times when were nether stress, nosotros tend to larn toward comfort, as well as many times this includes food. I am all for bending the rules as well as allowing things into your life that you lot unremarkably wouldn’t nether normal circumstances. But amongst that said, your torso is what is taking you lot through your day, every day. And if your machineyour bodyis unsound, all that is contained inward it (including your mind) volition suffer. So if you lot really postulate to accomplish for “bad” foods along your path, residue it out amongst proficient nutrient as well as mayhap fifty-fifty supplements too. And if you lot do indulge, confine your intake. Give yourself the permission, but don’t overdo it. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 salubrious torso volition aid ensure a healthier withdraw heed every bit you lot larn through a stressful time. Eat well, hold upwards well.

There are a few other thoughts as well as phrases I similar to ponder from fourth dimension to time, such asTo know as well as non to do is non to know.(The ancient Buddhist saying says “To know as well as non do is not yet to know, but I exercise this version, which is fairly popular.) Although I don’t receive got this on my personal axiom list, it is i of my favorite sayings as well as i I exercise frequently inward life. I think it fits inward perfectly amongst many of my personal philosophies because it has so many implications. For instance, if you lot know carbohydrate doesn’t concord amongst you lot as well as you lot say, “I know, I know, I shouldn’t swallow it,” but you lot swallow it anyway, it really is every bit though you lot don’t know it is bad for you. If you lot are non doing anything amongst the information, so you lot don’t actually know the information—deep down, inward a convicted way.

The alone way out is through. I dearest this thought, along amongst the add-on of Time heals all wounds.These aid me realize that I postulate to larn through the experience to larn to the other side as well as that I in all likelihood can’t bypass the path inward gild to alleviate feeling pain. Then, every bit is ever true, fourth dimension takes over as well as eases the hurting as well as uncomfortableness of whatever situation.

Perhaps you lot already receive got (and use) your ain axioms inward your 24-hour interval to 24-hour interval life. If notor fifty-fifty if sotake from mine, come upwards up amongst others. No thing where they come upwards from, axioms tin give the sack actually aid position life inward perspective when stress or seemingly unmanageable situations arise.

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