
A Technology Detox for my life

I don't know how many of yous hither are guilty of spending agency likewise much fourth dimension together with beingness likewise addicted to social media together with technology scientific discipline inwards your daily life. Well I am. I direct keep ever been obsessed amongst social media since I was a teenager. I am non certain nigh what was pop inwards your soil dorsum then, but for me who grew upward inwards Hong Kong - MSN, Xanga, Online Chatrooms together with etc - I produce non fifty-fifty desire to mean value nigh how much precious fourth dimension of my youth that I spent on them.

Recent years I began to pass to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than fourth dimension on facebook together with whatsapp, constantly checking my telephone together with a lot of times simply aimlessly scrolling downward the newsfeed. Even when I traveled with express access to internet, my obsession amongst social media was even so obvious - I would jump to every unmarried chance that I could honour WIFI together with I would instruct into a bad mood when I did non direct keep whatever for over 24 hours. I recollect when I stayed amongst my Castilian friends inwards Spain, they would also telephone telephone me "the Asian daughter amongst her phone".

I recollect that when I was unmarried together with was going onto dissimilar dinner dates, I would ever experience the urge to accept my telephone out during the dinners, wishing I could live checking my facebook/ whatsapp instead, losing myself into the meshwork world. So 1 twenty-four lx minutes catamenia I told myself - if I finally run into someone that when I am amongst him, I would non experience the ask to banking concern check my telephone because there's no identify I would rather live at - that individual volition live the one.

Lucky me, at 1 exceptional dinner, I completely lost myself into the conversation amongst this exceptional individual without feeling fifty-fifty the tiniest ask to accept out my phone. And this exceptional individual is at nowadays my beau (:
Parasailing inwards Bohol, Philippines
Me together with my beau parasailing inwards Bohol, Philippines
However, throughout our 1.5 years relationship, nosotros direct keep had fights together with problems that arouse constantly because of technology scientific discipline together with social media. We ever endeavour to disconnect ourselves during our dates/ travels, but the work is, whenever nosotros instruct dorsum home/ hotels during our trips amongst WIFI available, nosotros would straight off live pulled dorsum into the meshwork world. It saddens me sometimes to view that both of us would rather live scrolling downward on our phones reading/ watching things that produce non actually matter, instead of spending precious fourth dimension amongst each other. We tried to confine our "WIFI time" to solely 10 minutes but it would oftentimes terminate upward lasting longer than 10 minutes.

The province of affairs has significantly worsened, largely on my part, ever since I started beingness really active on Instagram some 4 months ago. It got fifty-fifty worse (if that's fifty-fifty possible) after I launched my spider web log 1 calendar month ago. My whole life is all nigh social media. If yous direct keep read nigh my post on my daily schedule ( ), yous would notice that the get-go thing I did when I woke upward was to banking concern check my instagram together with blog. Sometimes on weekends I would pass to a greater extent than than 1 lx minutes inwards bed simply on instagram earlier I got upward to brush my teeth together with launder my face, together with to direct keep a loving cup of water. Also, what I did non add together to my daily schedule post was that, I did non halt checking instagram together with other social medias after that fifteen minutes fourth dimension inwards the morning. I kept on checking my telephone constantly for instagram, emails, together with also blogging together with whatsapping at the same fourth dimension throughout the whole twenty-four lx minutes catamenia - on the bus, on the train, at the gym (during my residue fourth dimension - fifty-fifty if it's solely 1 minute), DURING MY ONE MINUTE PLANK, during my lavatory breaks at work, within the elevator, during lunch, during dinner etc etc etc. Pretty crazy eh? 

As a result, I also direct keep non been sleeping good because my encephalon has been constantly wired amongst footling residue time. From the instant I woke upward to the instant I went to bed, at that topographic point was literally barely whatever downtime for my brain. Stillness, or simply sitting downward together with doing absolutely zip became something that was so alienated for me. Whenever I saw there's an e-mail inwards my inbox, or novel comments/ questions on my instagram posts, I ever felt the ask to reply every bit before long every bit I could together with I could non allow myself to permit them hold off until the side past times side day. Don't instruct me wrong, I am extremely grateful for all the emails, comments, questions together with simply a lot of dear that yous all are giving me through the meshwork everyday. And I also know that most of yous would non hear if I reply simply a few hours/ a twenty-four lx minutes catamenia later. It was simply me amongst a incorrect mindset, giving myself unnecessary push clitoris per unit of measurement area to live constantly engaging amongst the online community.It was together with so that I realized I needed to produce something nigh my life, to halt wasting a huge component of my life online, together with missing out on creating memories amongst my loved ones. I needed to start living my existent life, giving my hear the residue that it needs, together with to simply direct keep the fourth dimension to appreciate footling things inwards life. I was also looking for peace together with health for my mind.
Crow together with Crane Pose Beach Yoga inwards Hong Kong

I hence decided to start a Technology Detox for my life! It requires decision together with self-control ( a lot of them) but I know it volition live worth it. It has been quite a few days already together with justice what? I experience AAAAH-MAZEEE-ZING! I am having a few nights of the best sleeps that I had had inwards a long time, together with every bit a whole, I simply experience a lot to a greater extent than free. I no longer experience the ask to direct keep to live constantly banking concern check my phone. I realized that the less I am on social media, the less I ask it. I finally industrial plant life the stillness together with peace that I was so desperately looking for.

Here is the listing of boundaries that I laid for my Technology Detox:
1. No checking the telephone until I go out domicile so I tin send away salvage fourth dimension past times focusing on getting my breakfast ready, freshening up, changing, packing - together with simply giving some fourth dimension for my hear to wake up, mean value nigh the twenty-four lx minutes catamenia ahead.
2. Make 2-3 instagram posts together with 1 spider web log post per twenty-four lx minutes catamenia (Maximum).
3. Read my mass during transportation time betwixt domicile together with office. No telephone allowed out of my handbag (except if I ask to brand emergency telephone telephone haha)
4. Phone switched off past times 8:30 pm - leaving the 2-3 hours earlier bedtime tech-free, giving my hear residue time.
Weekends & Holidays
1. No checking the telephone within the get-go lx minutes that I wake upward so I volition direct keep the fourth dimension to play amongst my dog/ brand some breakfast/ morn yoga/ morn conversation amongst parents/ simply allow my hear to residue together with chill.
2. Only 2 times a twenty-four lx minutes catamenia for checking together with replying to emails/ comments/ questions every bit good every bit posting - 1 time inwards the morn together with 1 time after dinner, amongst most of the twenty-four lx minutes catamenia live every bit tech-free every bit possible.
All Days
1. No phones inwards the bedroom
2. No checking the telephone during my workouts (can live such a waste product of time)
3. No checking the telephone during whatever meals
Sunset inwards Bohol, Philippines
I really promise that this technology scientific discipline detox amongst non simply live a temporary stage but something that volition in conclusion for a long time. Hopefully yous volition honour this post useful to your life every bit well. Please permit me know if yous direct keep other good advice/ tips for me to add together into my listing of boundaries for the technology scientific discipline detox!

Emi xx
Tag : fitness
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