
10 FAQs virtually Fitness & Me!

Happy Holidays everyone! It's been such a cracking journeying this yr together with I would similar to respond or so FAQs before the awesome 2014 ends :D

1. Did y'all also abide by it real hard together with tough when y'all foremost started the BBG?
YES I DID. The foremost fourth dimension I did a Kayla's workout was when I downloaded her gratis calendar week of BBG trial. I scream upward doing the legs workout together with I almost died (No I think I really felt similar I died) together with so I tried the arms workout together with "surprise" I also died completely - basically I could non destination most of the circuits because it was only impossible for me to do fifty-fifty or so of the MOST BASIC exercises such equally force up/ sit down ups - that was how weak I was. But I really felt similar I wanted to challenge myself to encounter how far I could larn together with so I decided to larn the BBG. The start was..oh god let's only state it's non a fourth dimension that I was real proud of myself. As someone who never exercised much (and amongst a real bad drinking together with eating habit), I was extremely unfit together with fifty-fifty a few steps of stairs I would halt upward out of breath. You tin privy imagine how hard it was for me. I was ever so nervous the black before a BBG workout that I could non slumber good  - I literally dreaded the workouts so much. My fellow was also doing the foremost 8 weeks of BBG amongst me together with I scream upward there's i black afterward he did his Kayla's workout ( I was going to do it the adjacent day), he told me "WOW that was a killer on the arms" together with I really got so angry at him for telling me that because it stressed me fifty-fifty to a greater extent than together with it was or so other sleepless black for me. I know this sounds so crazy but that's really how hard it was for me - together with the idea of giving upward crossed my heed EVERY SINGLE DAY, peculiarly when I felt similar I could non encounter much progress for the foremost 4-8 weeks. Some of y'all asked me if I accept ever non been able to destination the circuits inside the fourth dimension limit - oh yes, ALL THE TIME. What I would do was to sometimes re-do those workouts the adjacent calendar week or sometimes I only allow them go......hahaha non quite certain if that's what Kayla would propose but that's what I did.
The diet was or so other fighting for me because I was so used to beingness able to consume whatever I wanted (I was a huge foodie - I nevertheless am!) together with equally I did non desire to waste matter the efforts of my workouts during BBG, I tried my best to consume real very create clean together with it could hold out so hard sometimes together with eating became something that was no longer fun together with enjoyable. Looking back, directly I realized I allow the whole thing larn into my caput also much. It was supposed to hold out a fun together with challenging journeying together with I made it look similar a affair of life together with death. However, I am glad that I did non rank upward together with I kept pushing myself through the workouts, because piece of cake together with slowly, they got improve together with to hold out real honest, directly they are only component of my daily habit/ routine. I am used to the workouts beingness extremely hard together with challenging, I am used to that feeling of wanting to only transcend out on the flooring afterward every BBG workout, I am used to eating create clean - but the best thing is, directly I really relish this lifestyle so much - I dearest that adrenaline feeling during the timed BBG workouts, I dearest the feeling of accomplishment afterward completing every unmarried workout together with peculiarly every week, I dearest the forcefulness out inwards my muscles during the workouts, I dearest seeing myself getting stronger together with stronger every week, I dearest how exercises that were impossible for me to do before are directly a lot easier, I dearest eating salubrious together with create clean nutrient to nourish my torso (and I am a lot to a greater extent than relaxed amongst my diet directly ( ). I am happier, to a greater extent than confident, together with I am extremely satisfied amongst my progress. I accept SO MANY fitness goals that I desire to accomplish directly together with my everyday life is driven amongst purposes together with goals. So girls, don't worry if y'all abide by the BBG hard when y'all foremost start - if it's non challenging, it's non working right? (: Keep going because y'all are already on the correct track! (and don't allow it larn into your caput also much, relish the ride!!)
2. Do y'all do extra workouts other than the BBG?
Yes I do! I accept been doing them since Week 8 together with y'all tin privy abide by out to a greater extent than details nearly that on   - oh together with I also do pole-dancing in i trial a calendar week directly (:

3. Are y'all a vegetarian/ vegan?
No I am not. I tried to do vegetarian-only meals for at to the lowest degree v days a calendar week during the before stages of my journeying but it was non so successful (I am a huge meat lover). Now, what I am striving for is BALANCE -  a residue of all the nutrient groups, a residue of nutritions for unlike nutrient sources. To me, residue also way including cheat meals inwards my diet which makes my fitness together with wellness journeying to a greater extent than sustainable.

4. Where accept y'all travelled to before together with where is your favorite identify inwards the footing that y'all travelled to?
Born inwards Toronto, Canada, I was raised inwards Hong Kong together with I accept travelled to
- Nihon (Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka)
- Korea (Seoul together with Phoenix Park at the outskirt of Seoul for snowboarding)
- Philippines (Bohol, Manila)
- Commonwealth of Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Great Barrier Reef)
- Thailand (Phuket, Bangkok)
- China (Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou)
- the U.S. of A. of America (Texas, New York, California, Las Vegas, Florida, Washington)
- United Mexican States (Monterrey, United Mexican States City, Guadalajara, San Luis Potosi, Reynosa, Guanajuato, Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres, Tulum)
- Canada (Toronto, Quebec)
- Tai Wan
- French Republic (Paris)
- Kingdom of the Netherlands (Amsterdam)
- Espana (Sevilla, Barcelona, Madrid, Cadiz, Granada, Mallorca)
- Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany (Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf)
- Italy (Milan)
- Republic of Malta (Malta, Gozo, Comino)
- Turkey (Istanbul)
- Hellenic Republic (Santorini)
- Portugal (Porto, Lisbon)
-Malaysia (Sabah)
- UK of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland (London)
- Kingdom of Morocco (Marrakech, Casablanca, Fez, the Sahara, Rabat)
- Dubai
It is extremely hard to pick out my favorite identify out of all these amazing places because I really am inwards dearest amongst most of them (sorry to bombard y'all amongst my go photos) However, equally mentioned previously inwards my interview amongst Salonnieres Apartments  , the top iii places that accept a real special identify inwards my see would hold out Andalucia inwards Spain, United Mexican States together with Republic of Malta (and I really desire to add together Amsterdam too). I had the best memories at these places together with I would dearest to alive at that spot i day.

5. What is your peak together with weight?
I am 164 cm together with I never weigh myself because I do non believe it equally a salubrious together with sustainable way to rails the progress of a fitness journey. Weight is only a reveal together with it is so piece of cake to larn obsessed amongst it (Not only weight but also other parameters such equally fatty percent inwards the torso together with etc) - I do non desire these numbers to define me. As long equally I experience together with expect healthy, I am happy - instead of obsessing over the scale, thinking what I do incorrect to gain/lose a few pounds. Weight tin privy fluctuate a lot due to many reasons but it does non hateful y'all are non progressing/ getting healthier inwards your fitness journey.

6. What do y'all do for a living?
I DO accept a amount fourth dimension job. Because of my workouts together with blogging, I ever larn the inquiry - Did y'all quit your job? Are y'all a amount fourth dimension blogger?
No I am non - I do wishing i 24-hour interval I could hold out amount fourth dimension blogger/ fifty-fifty a personal trainer/ yoga teacher but inwards the meantime, I am non able to earn a living past times only working out together with blogging yet ;p so I do accept a 9-530 role chore Mon to Fri - I go inwards Talent Management (Human Resources) inwards the Wines together with Spirits industry. I know this sounds real ironic because many of y'all who accept read my story would know that me beingness an excessive drinking for the past times few years, I accept directly quit drinking completely. One thing I tin privy tell y'all is it's definitely a daily fighting for me to hold out working inwards this industry, non because I am tempted to quaff but because I am constantly EXPECTED to quaff at many concern occasions together with it tin privy ever come upward off equally rude/ unreasonable when I tell people I don't drink. I ever larn asked "Why are y'all fifty-fifty working hither if y'all don't drink?". I accept to acknowledge it does demeanour upon my socialising inwards the fellowship but for me, I do non think I should larn judged on because of this if I am able to perform on my job. Not drinking alcohol is a personal life selection for me together with I am non going to rank upward on that only because of social pressure. If I cannot advance inwards my career because I remain rigid on my personal life selection to alive a salubrious together with create clean lifestyle, whatsoever success volition non hold out worth it. Why am I working inwards this manufacture then, y'all may ask? Well I dearest the fellowship that I go for, I dearest the trainee programme that I am in, I am extremely thankful for the opportunities that I am given, together with I really do promise i 24-hour interval I tin privy construct my career inwards this fellowship despite the fact that I do non drink. so... Good Luck to me!:D

7. How former are you?
I am 22 together with turning 23 inwards Jan 2015!

8. Do y'all do your BBG workouts at a gym or at home?
I do all of my BBG workouts at the gym - non because I can't do them at abode but because I only dearest the gym ;p That's where I abide by motivation, determination, drive, dedication. You tin privy read nearly it to a greater extent than inwards details at 

9. Since when did y'all start taking poly peptide supplement together with adding extra workouts?
I started inwards Week 8 (: You tin privy read to a greater extent than inwards details nearly my poly peptide supplement at 

10. So it seems that the BBG worked for you, volition it go for me too?
Each of our torso is unlike together with hence I cannot state if nosotros volition all accomplish the same outcome amongst the same timeline - y'all mightiness encounter to a greater extent than progresses faster or slower or y'all mightiness encounter unlike results i.e. stronger arms/ improve stamina than me. But it volition definitely set y'all onto the correct rails of working towards a healthier together with fitter torso together with I ensure y'all your hard go volition non larn to waste. Maybe it is taking to a greater extent than time/ less fourth dimension but the fact that y'all volition eventually larn to where y'all desire is all that matters x

Hope y'all abide by this post service useful! Stay tuned to to a greater extent than fitness/ salubrious posts past times subscribing to my blog!

Emi x

Tag : Bodybuilding
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