
Homemade Almond Milk

Homemade Almond Milk Recipe
Homemade Almond Milk

1. I personally am non a big fan of the gustatory modality of moo-cow milk

2. It is depression inwards calories together with thence perfect for weight command because ane loving cup of it contains only lx calories, equally opposed to 146 calories inwards Whole Cow Milk (even Skim Cow Milk contains 86 calories)

3. It is proficient for your pump because it contains no cholesterol or saturated obese at all. It is low inwards sodium together with high inwards well for yous fats (such equally omega obese acids, typically flora inwards fish), which helps to forbid high blood pressure level together with pump disease

4. It keeps your peel glowing because it contains fifty per centum of the recommended daily total of vitamin E, which contains antioxidant properties essential to your skin’s health, such equally protecting it against Sun damage.

5. It barely impacts your blood saccharide because it is depression inwards carbs (with no additives), important it won’t significantly increase your blood saccharide levels, reducing your gamble for diabetes. Because of its depression glycemic index, your trunk volition role the carbs equally unloosen energy so the sugars aren’t stored equally obese (score!).
6. It contributes to musculus forcefulness together with healing because of the enough of B vitamins such equally atomic seat out 26 together with riboflavin that it contains, both of import for musculus growth together with healing.
7. It helps amongst digestion because it contains close ane gram of fiber per serving, which is of import for well for yous digestion.
8. It doesn’t contain lactose, making it a perfect lactose- gratis substitute for whose who are lactose intolerant.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, it is rattling slow to make! I brand my ain Almond Milk on a weekly footing because I dearest to contain it into a broad diversity of recipes including but non limiting to - Milkshakes, Smoothies, Cookies, Chia puddings, Oatmeals, Pancakes together with etc. Below are around of my recipes using my ain Homemade Almond Milk:

Homemade Recipes amongst Homemade Almond Milk - Smoothies, Pancakes, Oatmeals, Chia Pudding
Homemade Recipes using Homemade Almond Milk
And of course, I besides dearest merely drinking Homemade Almond Milk alone- it tastes so proficient its mind-blowing. The gustatory modality together with aroma are so rich together with I dearest that it does non accept all the preservatives together with artificial flavors that store-bought Almond Milk has. Plus homemade ane genuinely tastes so much better! 
Raw Almonds (*Not Roasted*) x 1.5 cups
Water x 3.5-4 cups (depends on how watery yous desire your almond milk to hold upward - I personally similar it richer so I role only 1.5 cups of water)
Pure Honey x two tsp
Soak Raw Almonds overnight inwards H2O to brand them soft, so drain the H2O together with pour the almonds together amongst H2O into the blender together with blend it for 1-2 minutes. Pause the blender, add together 1-2 tspn of Pure Honey, together with start the blender over again for 2-3 minutes. After that, strain the mix amongst a metallic strainer/ cheese cloth. 
Servings: five cups of Almond Milk

Homemade Almond Milk Recipe
Homemade Almond Milk
For the remaining almond repast left on the metallic strainer/ cheese textile - yous tin either discard it OR it is genuinely a rattling well for yous substitute for flour! yous tin role it to brand cookies, cakes together with etc.
AND TA-DAH it is done!!Perfect alternative of Milk for those who are vegan or lactose- intolerant, or exercise non similar the gustatory modality of Cow Milk - merely similar me!
Hope yous enjoyed my Homemade Almond Milk recipe - rest tuned for to a greater extent than yummy together with delicious recipes (i.e. those that role Homemade Almond Milk) past times subscribing to my blog! <3
Emi xx

Tag : Almond Milk
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